I was going to link up with 5 for Friday…LAST WEEK! Time keeps passing me by. Truth is, I am too tired to think about blogging on Friday night. This week, my EA was out for 2 days. As was half my class. The stomach bug has taken over my classroom. In fact, they fogged my classroom. So far, this pregnant girl is okay. I think this post is worth the wait. It might even include some fabulous FREEBIES for you all!
We have been learning about shapes these past 2 weeks. Fall makes it a EXTRA fun time to learn about shapes.
First, we made this adorable scarecrow out of shapes. Students counted how many shapes there were. The template was designed with rectangle arms, which is why this one says zero squares, but the way some kids glued them on, they ended up with 2 square arms. They also varied how many rectangle hay pieces they used. You can get the scarecrow template and recording sheet FREE HERE.
You may remember last year when I read The Legend Spookley the Square Pumpkin. This year, I did not get to pumpkins until November. Luckily, there is a Thanksgiving Spookley Book.

This book is PERFECT for November. You can get the FREE Craft HERE.
Doesn’t my hallway look adorable? To make the corn, we painted with Legos!!! They kids LOVED it. I got the idea from THIS PIN.
My kids LOVED the my Interactive Pumpkin Shape Book. They had to color the adorable pumpkin shapes and glue them on the right page. The spin and cover game was another hit. It is great for getting kids to say those trickier words like trapezoid and hexagon. You can find these activities in my Pumpkin Shape unit.
Finally, we made Pumpkin Shapes. I bought the pumpkin candy the day after Halloween for 50% off. The FREE Cards are meant for marshmallows, but the pumpkin candy worked great.
I think this is the most fun I have ever had teaching shapes!