What is number sense? Number sense is the fluidity and flexibility with numbers. It is how a child uses and understand numbers. Children with a strong number sense are more less likely to struggle with more complex math concepts. In Kindergarten, we want students to be able to subitize, tell how many are in a group without counting it. Today I am going to share 3 ways to practice number sense

Math Warm-Ups
Number talks allow students to build a sense of numbers and think about the flexibility of numbers and how they may use one strategy to figure out the answer while their peers use a different one. Number talks help show them that numbers are flexible and may be used differently to get the same answer. recently added cards to these warm ups that include questions for Math Talks. they can be made into a flip book or printed on post-its. You can get my warm-ups here.

Math Practice
After we warm up, I provide my students with direct instruction and opportunities to practice multiple strategies. I want students to compare their work to another, and have the opportunity to discussed their problem solving. I use wide variety of manipultives for hands on learning. I found this tray at the Dollar Store. Students can flip over a card, read the number and build the number. The ten frame and numbers come with my free Math Tool Kit.

These Count and Cover Number sheets are a great way to work on subitizing and develop number sense. They can been printed and laminated for multiple uses or there is a black and white version that students can color in. They even come with Google slides for independent practice.

Math Centers
My third tip is working on number sense in small groups. When my class is doing Math Centers, I will often pull a small group to reteach a part of the lesson that students seemed to struggle with. If I have time after my reteach, I will walk around and see what students need support in the Math Centers. I love these Number Sense Task Cards. I prep them once and they they are good to go. I put everything students need inside the photo-box. I included pictures and labels for the boxes so you can quickly know what is inside without opening it up.

I love these FREE Subitizing Number Cards. Subitizing simply means students see the number in a different way. I designed these cards to be used with a variety of fine motor activities, such as play-dough or pom-poms. You get these FREE Number Sense Cards HERE.