There is nothing like the first week of Kindergarten. It is exhausting. There is no way to prepare for the exhaustion, but there are a few ways to make it go smoother. Have a plan that is developmentally appropriate. Model and practice classroom procedures…over an dover again.

Think About Procedures
When planning your first day, that about what do you want your kids to do when they come in the classroom? I recommend you do not have them go to their tables. I do not like to have kids use classroom supplies until they have learned HOW to use the supplies. I set out STEM bins that don’t require explanations. Think legos, magnets, brain flakes, and pattern blocks. Then, think about everyday procedures such how to sit on the carpet, how to line up, how to walk in the hallway, what to do in the bathroom, cafeteria, specials, and play ground.

Read Aloud
What Read Alouds do you want to do the first day? I always start with Miss. Bindergarten Gets Ready For Kindergarten. Then, I ask them how they got ready that day. This is a great way to practice carpet procedures, including how to sit, how to listen, wait your turn, and raise you hand. Before we go to recess, I like to read The Recess Queen. It is a great way to talk about playground expectations and how to be a kind friend.

Fun Activity
I know there are so many rules and procedures to go over the first day. It’s pretty boring. If you think it is boring, the kids will too. I highly encourage you to come up with ONE fun activity for the first day. Think of something that isn’t too hard, but that kids can come home and tell moms and dads how much fun they had. I personally like name activities, like this adorable Chicka-Chicka Boom Boom hat. I have everything PREPPED. I start by talking about the supplies. I show them how everything has a place and I put it back when I am done. I specifically point out how the pencils are facing up and scissors are facing down. We talk about how to use scissors, cut away from your body, don’t cut clothes or your friend’s hair. I model how to cut the crown, then hand students the crown. I model how to cut the leaves and glue them to the crown, then I have students repeat. Is it perfect? No, but it cute and fun. Get it here.

Get Everyone Home
I ask parents on the phone how their child gets home and then I have students verify how their child gets home when they come in for Meet the Teacher. I use this sheet and then attach the picture cards to their bags with a ring. You can get these FREE here.

First Week
Do you need help making it through the first week? I got you covered. My First Week of Kindergarten unit includes a list of procedures, flexible lesson plans, and student tested activities. I created these activities a few years ago and have adjusted them to ensure students are successful. They go with some of your favorite first week books, including the Kissing Hand, Chicka-Chicka Boom-Boom, and Pete the Cat. Be sure to check out my Instagram @myfabulousclass to see what I did the first week this year.

This classroom expectation book is a great way to talk about school rules. It also makes a quick assessment for fine motor skills. be sure to model for students how to pick color that make sense. You don’t want to color the entire book one color.

My First Week of Kindergarten Unit has lots of activities that are student tested for the first week of school, included first centers. I have one more free resource for you today. This letter matching activity is easy to prep and most of your students should be able to do it on day one, which makes it the perfect back to school center. . I teach my students to point to the letter and say the name of it, then point to the picture and the say the name, then point to the letter and say the sound. They may not all be able to do this at the beginning of the year, but hopefully, someone in their group can model it. You can get these FREE here.