Where were you on September 11th? I was living in the college dorms at the time. I remember being woken up by a phone call from one of my friends. She knew my dad was working in Washington DC at the time. My dormates and I sat on the couch, glued to the tv, not fully comprehending what was happening. September 11th was a day that changed our country forever. It is a scary topic and I know some teachers are afraid to tackle it, but it is an important part of our history. I would never share my “where was I” story with my kindergarteners. But, I do think it is important to talk about Patriotism and the Heroes in our community. I am sharing some of my favorite September 11th activities for Kindergarten,

Favorite Books
A good lesson always starts with a good book to build background knowledge. 30,000 Stitches is a great Children’s Book about a flag that was hanging across from Ground Zero that visited all 50 states, 7 years later. This a great story about the importance of the flag. September 12th is a beautiful story written by 1st graders. It is the most appropriate book for elementary school.

The American Flag
I remember learning all about the American Flag when I was growing up. I admit it, for years, I did not teach about the American flag. There was a huge push for teaching literacy and math, and, unfortunately, social studies got pushed aside. Thankfully, it seems to be making a comeback. I love making a flag for Patriotism day in Kindergarten. I explain to my students that there are 13 red and white stripes, that represents the 13 original colonies. There are 50 white stars that represents the 50 states. I like to add in the fine motor aspect by having students paint with pom-poms!!!! You can get your free craft here.

Hero Crafts
I like to take this time to teach students about our community heroes. I want students to know how Police Officer help in our community so they understand why it is important to respect them. We create an anchor chart together, then write about it, and create the craft. You can purchase my Community Hero’s Craft here.

Community Helpers Centers
Finally, I wanted to share my community helpers centers and activities with you. There are math and literacy centers that are aligned to common core standards. Plus, there is a student reader that goes over several community helpers. You can get it here.