The Watermelon Seed is a silly story about a crocodile who is afraid of swallowing a watermelon seed. The crocodile has a wild imagination that your class will love! It is the perfect book the end of the school year and kick off summer fun. Check out all of these engaging activities you can do with your class.

You can create an anchor chart to decide who likes watermelon and who doesn’t. I am always looking for ways to add in more graphs. I like to ask questions such has which one has more? Which one has less? How many more?

To make the adorable watermelon, you just need to make “Puffy Paint” with half Elmer’s glue and half shaving cream, and bright paint. The kids tore the seeds out of black construction paper, but you could also use felt or dried black beans.

Then, we talked about the life cycle of a watermelon. The watermelon life cycle looks like the pumpkin life cycle so this a great way to review concepts you have already taught.

You can even work on making 10 with this adorable watermelon seed book. You can get all of these activities here.