We have made it through 25 days of Kindergarten! It has been a long 25 days, but I think my kids finally have their routines down. They are able to independently rotate through centers so I can focus on my small groups. We do two literacy centers and two math centers a day. They vary in time for 10-15 minutes. Why do my times vary? Sometimes my whole group takes longer, leaving less time for centers. Sometimes, my kids are disengaged and they aren’t getting anything out of it. This is part of stamina. To help them stay engaged, I have a variety of centers and I provide choices. The centers I am sharing below come from my Fall Math and Literacy Centers.

I provide students with 2-3 tubs for both math and literacy centers. At this time of the year, I set the tubs out, and when they go to tubs, they choose which ones they want to do. By providing choices, students have a little more buy in. Plus, I don’t have to change them out as often!

I also have a pocket chart center. I use a variety of matching and sorting activities. I have several dollar store pocket charts up and they usually work in groups of 2-3 for these. I think they like pocket charts because it gets them out of their seat.

Sensory tables are always a hit. I will usually use the same filler for the entire month, but I change out the cards. This is an individual center that I made last year in a shoebox container size container last year. It has corn, shredded paper, fake leaves, fake acorns, and fake pumpkins. The corn is actually popcorn and the rest of it I got from Hobby Lobby. You can fin a lot of materials at the Dollar tree to. If you want to see more sensory tables, be sure to follow me on Instagram @myfabulousclass All of the activities I shared above can be found in my Fall Math and Literacy Centers Bundle.

My 4th center is usually a handwriting page or worksheet. I love hands on learning, but students still need to practice writing their letters and numbers with a pencil. Coloring is a fun way to strengthen fine motor. These two worksheets come from my Scarecrow Centers, Printables, and Exit Tickets.

Finally, I want to share this FREE Math center with you. Students match the number to the ten frame. this could be used in a sensory tub or a regular math tub. I hope your kids enjoy this one. Click here to get it.
Do you want to save money and buy centers for the entire year? Check out this MEGA BUNDLE with 10 different themes to last you all year!