I can’t believe the 100th we already celebrated the 100th day of school! I know the joke in education is how long January is, but it went fast for me this year. Getting ready for the 100th Day of School IS a lot of work, but it totally worth it, I think.` My students told me it was the best day every.

We start the day by finding 100 candies hidden around the classroom. I did Hershey Kisses one year…but they started to melt in kids hands while they waited to put them on the chart. Now, I do Starbursts. I don’t hide them to hard either. It takes a long time to find them and put them on the chart. It took about 20 minutes this year.

Of course, we always do the necklaces. This takes the longest time. It took 20-45 minutes to complete. In previous years, I has students do 10 at a time. This year, we did all 100 at once. Some kids did spill as they were reaching across to get the top and I had to help them put them back on the paper. I think it might be better to do 10 at a time with lower kids. You get my 100s Day Activities HERE.

If you have previously purchased my 100 day unit, be sure to download the updated version so you can get this 10 frame and the colored numbers. I still have the black and white numbers in there too. If you don’t have color ink, you can also print them on bright paper.

The 100 Day Sprinkle Cupcake is always a favorite. it is great fine motor skills to squeeze the glue out. The kids love adding glitter. I use trays from the Dollar Tree to help keep the mess contained. If you really don’t like glitter (I know some teachers don’t like the mess) the Dollar Tree has a large selection of stickers you can use instead. I found sparkle stars one year, and they usually have round shiny stickers too.

Of course, you cannot celebrate the 100th Day without a crown! Do you want this FREE Crown? Click here. My kids LOVE to wear this all day long. Plus, you can take a cute class picture with the crown and the necklace.

I also like to give the students a certificate. It is, after all, a very special day. This is another FREE resource in my store.

My 100’s Day Activities and Crafts has 15 different activities included. You class will love every simple one of them! Here’s another hint. Do you the 100 Day Graph above? I like to user that for early finishers. There are a couple other single sheets, like roll to 100 that are perfect for early finishers. You can also get 100 read solo cups and let early finishers build a tower. Happy 100th Day!