This week, we had fun making these peep pets with shaving cream and food dye. I thought it was going to be hard, but it really wasn’t bad. My educational assistant called in sick, but I was still able to do it successfully. I had the students working on the writing component while I called them over one at a time to do the shaving cream.
You can get the Peep and Writing activity FREE here by signing up to subscribe to my newsletter.
I needed one can of shaving cream and various colors. I gave 4 color options for students to choose from. I spread out the shaving cream and added a few drops of two different colors.
Then, I gently spread the colors with a ruler. Be aware, the dye might stain the ruler. Try not mix the colors too much and leave some white.
Then, have your students set the peep down in the shaving cream mix. Make sure they push it down around the edges. I did let my students do this part and they really enjoyed it pushing it down.
I gave my students the choice to lift it up and put it in the other tray or I could do it if they wanted to. It was about half and half who wanted to do it. Then, they gently scraped the shaving cream off with a ruler. Most of the kids wanted me to do the scraping, but it wasn’t that hard. Just make sure you scrape it the the wooden side, not the metal side.
These dry really fast. You can glue them to construction paper and attach the writing for an adorable hallway display. Do want your copy of this FREE Peeps Craft and Writing Activity? Get it HERE.