The Magic of Friendship Snow by Andi Cann has become one of my favorite books for January. It is about a little girl named JoJo who does not know how to make friends. Then, she meets a magical snowman who teaches her how to be a friend. It is a great way to review what it means to be a friend in the new year.

After we read the book, we talk about what it means to be a friend. I love having this conversation when we first come back from winter break. It sets the tone for a kind and caring classroom community. You can buy this book of Amazon HERE using my affiliate link.

The writing is my favorite part. I love the saying “Snow” many ways to be a friend. I love hanging these out in the hallway for everyone to see. The kids are always so proud of their writing.

Then, we make “Magic Friendship Snow.” It is shaving cream and baking soda. I have the kids sit in a circle with me while I mix it, and talk about how to be a kind friend. Then, each student gets to sprinkle some magic (it’s glitter). They each say how they are going to be a good friend this year.

Then, I put the snow into individual bowel. I added some pipe cleaners and buttons and let students make their own snowman.

After the kids had played for a little while, we put it in bags and sent it home. What is your favorite January activity? How do you build classroom community and reset your class for the new year?