I’m sure you have heard time and time again the best classroom management tool is to build relationships with your students. This sounds so simple, right? But, wait, how to I build a relationship with a child? I don’t watch Bluey. (Really? You should. It’s pretty funny). It really is simple. You invest in that child. You let them know you care about them and you want them to succeed.

Greet students
I start each morning standing at the classroom door to greet my students, by name. I think it is essential that you greet students by name. There is actual research to support this. Greeting students at the door creates a positive tone and can increase engagement and minimizes disruptive behavior. It gives students a sense of belonging. They feel like you are invested in their learning. I recommend you take a few minutes to say something kind to your students. Notice a new haircut or new shoes. Ask about their family. Let them know you sincerely care about them.

Morning Meeting
I start everyday with a morning meeting. First, I go over the schedule. This lets students know what to expect, and reduces their anxiety. Then, I do a Morning Question. This not only helps students to get to know each other, but it also helps me to get to know students. Plus, it is fun. I complied some FREE questions for you. You can get them here.

Specific Praise
Let your students know what they are doing well by giving them specific praise. I like to use Brag Bracelets for this. My students get so excited when they earn a brag bracelet. The bracelets have brags, such as Teacher Helper or Kind Friends, but I always write on the back exactly what they did that made them a Kind Friend. This lets that students and all the other students know exactly what they can do to earn one. When kids know what they did to make you proud, they will continue to do that behavior.

Teach Them
I think we forget that we have to TEACH students what it means to be a kind friend and a hard working students. This does not come naturally for all students. At the beginning of the year, we spend a lot of time reading books about social and emotional learning. Then, every month, I incorporate at least one SEL Read Aloud into my lessons. It’s important that we remember it is not a one and done situation. We have to reteach these skills. Check out my Classroom Community BUNDLE.

Make Memories
The best way to build relationships is to make memories with your class. Have fun and be silly. If you teach kindergarten like me, this is their first experience in school, but even if you teach another grade, when students enjoy school, they are going to behave better. I know how much pressure you face to teach the curriculum with rigor and fidelity and whatever other buzz word is out there, but it is also important to remember school needs to be about more then just academics. It is about building relationships with the teacher and with the other kids. Those relationships are what keep kids wanting to go to school and trying their best. Kids are not going to remember elkoin boxes and number bonds. They are going remember recess, dress up days, gingerbread houses, making cards for custodians, pumpkin science, and snowmen crafts.
We have to remember that these little humans will eventually be adults. They need to know how to form relationships with adults and their peers so they can function when they get out of school. Plus, when you build positive relationships with your students, the entire year will go smoother. You will have less disruptions in your teaching. Trust me, it is a time saver.